The 12th Annual Conference on Engaged Management Scholarship (EMS) will be organized by the Executive DBA Council (EDBAC) and the DBA Program at Universidad Panamericana, Guadalajara, México. The EMS 2022 Conference offers a global venue for management practitioner scholars and a growing-worldwide group of practitioner-oriented DBA programs.
All attendees, including individuals from the Executive DBA Council (EDBAC), must accomplish the appropriate registration fee to participate in any capacity at the Annual Meeting. Including authors, editors, award recipients, coordinators, discussants, facilitators, hosts, distinguished speakers, moderators, organizers, speakers, participants, presenters, panelists, secretaries, treasurers, and any appointed volunteers.
By registering to attend the EMS 2022 Conference, you grant permission to the organizers to take and use your photos, audio, and video in marketing and promotional pieces, written publications, videos, and the EDBAC’s website indefinitely.
Tickets provide the following access rights
- Online Doctoral Consortium & Conference ($550 USD before July 31st or $600 after)
- In-person Doctoral Consortium & Conference ($550 USD before July 31st or $700 after)
- Online Conference Only ($500 USD)
- In-Person Conference Only ($500 USD before July 31st or $600 after)
- Add Social Guest (Gala Dinner)($50 USD)
- Day trip to Tequila (September 7th) ($50 USD)
Registration Information
The EMS 2022 Conference offers three experiences to enable widescale participation:
- In-person, on-site sessions in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, September 8-10, 2022
- Virtual-only sessions that include synchronous (webinar and meeting style sessions) and asynchronous (on-demand) sessions hosted on the Whova platform September 8-10, 2022
Hybrid sessions comprised a portion of special on-site sessions, live-streamed to include virtual attendance. September 8-10, 2022.
Name Badge
All conference attendees must wear official conference name badges at the Conference sessions, workshops, receptions, and events. Access to conference events will not be allowed without a badge.
Name badges are provided to all registered attendees. Members without an official conference badge will be asked to show proof of registration or to register for the conference. Accepted forms of proof include a registration receipt or a registration confirmation email.
Doctoral Consortium
Doctoral Consortium
Conference Online
Conference in person
Conference in person
Add social guest for Gala dinner
Day trip to Tequila

May 1, 2022
Conference registration (early bird) begins and submission portal opens.
June 19
Submission deadline for regular submission papers, posters, panels, and consortiums.
June 20
July 31
Early bird registration ends.
August 1
Regular conference registration in place.
August 16
Final camera-ready deadline (one author must be registered for the conference by this deadline).
September 8-10
EMS 2022 Conference, Guadalajara, México.